Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Chapter 17.2. Tow Orcs One Stone

Tow Orcs One Stone
We visited the shop to get rid of some useless items and took a rest at the large dwarven tavern. I wonder why they like big spaces so much? But orcs were restless, being defeated, the were planning to take down two important dwarven leaders. This time called one Archon from the retinue and Fey race to reveal the whole map at one point. We would be well paid if we can dispose of two enemy heroes.
The day was sunny and the dry ground was covered with cracks under the hot sun. We appeared to be in a valley with one dangerously looking road to the north. Telfalas(the Archon) begun exploring and Miranda filling the towers with mages. Playing Fey, I'll need a lot of crystals and Fey towers are good source for them. The scouts didn't find any Quest Givers or Lairs. The only thing to do was to hold for a while and gather a good army. Miranda was wearing the Woodland Cloak(+1 Nature Magic, +5 Resistance). She likes light armor and 1 Nature magic allow her to call Sprites. It was time to move down the maze road. Orcs and Trolls were crawling beside every tree and corner, until we reached the end of the road where 3 huge Giants and an orcish hero were waiting. Miranda moved back in line, even Defense Lore spell couldn't save her from a giant critical blow. Some sages were send back in the abyss, but they will be called again. We were victorious. This mission made Orcs enemies, which means Miranda can never play with their race when on mission.